SEO, SEM, PPC Advertising

SEO, SEM, and PPC advertising have helped numerous businesses market products without allocating a tremendous amount of marketing budget yet still achieve their goals and objectives and monitor their performance in real-time. See where your customers have been, what got them to you, how they interacted with your brand, and which channels suit you and your customers the most.

SEO has now become a vital part of every business’s marketing efforts, it’s not just about putting in the right keywords anymore. Nowadays, you have to be more methodical, strategic, and adaptable with your approach as search engine algorithms continuously change. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a non-paid search marketing method that helps your website rank better organically on search engines such as Google and Bing and aids your audience to find you more easily by utilizing on-page and off-page SEO and technical optimization techniques. You may not get instant results like in SEM or PPC, but SEO will definitely help your business achieve a good ROI in the long run.

DICE205 specializes in Technical SEO and Intent Optimization, improving your website from the littlest details that are often overlooked to maximize your website content and deliver value to your customers.

SEM and PPC are sometimes used interchangeably, but although similar, they have key differences.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a paid search marketing method where you bid on popular and relevant keywords related to your brand and, depending on your ranking and the amount you paid, your website will be displayed as an ad on the top part of a search engine results page (SERP). SEM, unlike SEO, brings in faster results and will continue to as long as you are paying.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising, on the other hand, is a paid advertising strategy that allows you to show advertisements beyond search engines. This includes Google, Facebook, and Instagram ads. In this strategy, you as an advertiser will pay a fee each time someone clicks on your advertisement.

SEM and PPC strategies make sure that your website will be visible to your intended audience, driving up your website traffic and delivering near-immediate results.